UnitedHealthcare/Optum Discount Plan

In mid-January Optum sent a notice to providers of a new discount plan program.  The plan allows any UnitedHealthcare members who either have exhausted their benefits for chiropractic and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) services or who do not have...

Medicare Acupuncture Update

02/11/2020Medicare Acupuncture Update We had previously advised membership that Medicare had begun covering acupuncture in certain specified situations as of Jan. 21, 2020.  Acupuncture is to be allowed for chronic low back pain for 12 visits with an additional...

UnitedHealthcare/Optum Discount Plan

02/05/2020UnitedHealthcare/Optum Discount Plan In mid-January Optum sent a notice to providers of a new discount plan program.  The plan allows any UnitedHealthcare members who either have exhausted their benefits for chiropractic and complementary and...

United to Require GP Modifier as of April 1

01/30/2020United to Require GP Modifier as of April 1 After several delays, for dates of service on or after April 1, 2020, United Healthcare will require the GP modifier to be appended to any codes that are deemed “Always Therapy” codes according to...

Medicare to Cover Acupuncture for Chronic Low Back Pain

01/22/2020Medicare to Cover Acupuncture for Chronic Low Back Pain Insurance Update: Medicare to Cover Acupuncture for Chronic Low Back Pain By Matt Minnella, Director of Insurance and Regulatory Affairs CMS announced on Tuesday that Medicare will cover acupuncture for...

Inovalon-Horizon Letters

11/27/2019Inovalon-Horizon Letters Many members have reported receiving a letter, phone call or both from Inovalon on behalf of Horizon. Inovalon is a company that has performed what are called Risk Adjustment Reviews for various carriers over the years. There are...