
Shaping Chiropractic Healthcare Policy

NJ State Capitol

The ANJC welcomes the 40 members of the State Senate and 80 members of the General Assembly to the 221st Legislative Session and appreciates their service to our state, which began on January 8, 2024. We look forward to working with them throughout the legislative session.


Each legislative session, thousands of bills are brought by interest groups that have the potential to positively and/or negatively impact the chiropractic profession and your bottom line. The ANJC monitors every one of these bills to see how they might impact our members, while at the same time, working our proactive legislative agenda. The ANJC Legislative Committee, led by Dr. Victor Rossi, frequently meets to discuss, brainstorm and strategize on how best to navigate the legislative priorities and issues that may present a challenge to the profession.

The Legislative Committee and ANJC Board of Directors are committed to identifying and building relationships with legislators and regulators as well as educating them on both the benefits of chiropractic care and the challenges our members face as small business owners that could negatively impact the care of our patients.

As an organization, the ANJC is focused on expanding scope of practice, increasing reimbursements through cost-of-living adjustments, and highlighting the importance of access to care throughout the state.

The ANJC Legislative Priority Issues for 2024 include:

  • Educating legislators on how 3rd Party Repricing and Silent PPOs negatively impact the revenue of all healthcare providers, including chiropractors, as well as access to care for their constituents
  • Identify opportunities and strategies to increase Fee Schedules, specifically:
    • State Employee Cap on Chiropractic Care enacted in 2015
    • School Employee Cap on Chiropractic Care enacted in 2020
    • PIP Daily limit max 
    • Cost of Living adjustments 
  • In an effort to recruit more chiropractors to New Jersey, create a Preceptorship Program for students in their final term to gain clinical experience under the supervision of a licensed chiropractor who’ll serve as a mentor.  
  • Address the current Department of Education law which limits the ability of licensed chiropractors to authorize and complete student physicals for sports.
  • Increase utilization of chiropractic care in Workers’ Compensation treatment plans.

In addition to our ANJC proactive efforts in 2024, our legislative committee is always there to defend our doctors and patients against legislation that would negatively impact chiropractic.

Want to get involved with the ANJC’s legislative efforts?

Legislative Updates

Stay informed with the latest legislative news and advocacy efforts from the ANJC!

Preceptorship Legislation Advances: Assembly Bill A3099

Preceptorship Legislation Advances: Assembly Bill A3099

Yesterday, the Assembly Regulated Professions Committee favorably released A3099, which establishes option for students nearing completion of program in chiropractic medicine to participate in preceptorship provided by state-licensed chiropractor, by a vote of...

The ANJC PAC: Your Role in Defining the Future of Chiropractic

The ANJC PAC: Your Role in Defining the Future of Chiropractic

Building momentum for a resilient 2025. The ANJC PAC stands up for chiropractic care in New Jersey, but we rely on your backing. Our strength depends on a unified & mobilized community of chiropractic supporters. By banding together, we have the opportunity to...