Oct 18, 2023 | Insurance News
Dear ANJC Membership,As we have shared, the ANJC Insurance Team is actively communicating with insurance carriers on a variety of issues, including reimbursement and third-party repricing companies.While we cannot disclose the details of conversations with carriers,...
Oct 3, 2023 | Insurance News
Effective September 14, 2023, Medicare has updated their Smart Edits which will affect how chiropractic claims are processed. For reference, Smart Edits detect potential errors within electronic claims and send a message back to the submitting care provider to explain...
Sep 20, 2023 | Insurance News
Dear ANJC Membership, The ANJC Insurance Team has received an update from Aetna regarding the status of the reprocessing of incorrectly denied orthotic claims and the necessary software update for all future orthotics claims. As of yesterday, claims prior to May 27,...
Jul 27, 2023 | Insurance News
Dear ANJC Membership, The ANJC Insurance team has been exchanging emails with Horizon for several months regarding third-party administrator-referenced-based pricing of out-of-network claims. Horizon extended an invitation for our team to connect with theirs via Zoom...
Jul 26, 2023 | Insurance News
Dear ANJC Membership, The ANJC Insurance Team received an update from Aetna confirming that they have resolved the issue of incorrect denials and recoupment requests for orthotic claims. Aetna has confirmed that orthotics are a non-provider-specific covered...
Jul 3, 2023 | Insurance News
As you may already be aware, both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate reintroduced legislation to increase access to Medicare-covered services provided by Doctor of Chiropractic. Contact your Senator or Representative today and ask them to support...