Chiropractic Medicare Coverage Modernization Act

As you may already be aware, both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate reintroduced legislation to increase access to Medicare-covered services provided by Doctor of Chiropractic. Contact your Senator or Representative today and ask them to support...

Administered Claims on Behalf of Horizon

Dear ANJC Membership,The ANJC Insurance Team has been in active communication with Horizon regarding the market-based pricing for out-of-network claims administered by their third-party company on behalf of Horizon BCBS NJ. We have been aggressively pushing for...

Investigating Aetna-MA Recoupment Notices—UPDATE

Dear ANJC Membership, The ANJC Insurance Team has been aggressively seeking a resolution to the denials and recoupment requests of members’ orthotic claims.Today, the ANJC Insurance Team received an update from Aetna regarding your concerns. The Aetna contact has...

Investigating Aetna-MA Recoupment Notices

As part of our commitment to ANJC members, the ANJC Insurance Team monitors a variety of issues that affect the practice of chiropractic in New Jersey. It has come to our attention that members are receiving recoupment notices from Aetna-Medicare Advantage State Plans...