To Our Chiropractic Colleagues & Supporters,
This past weekend at the 2024 ANJC Annual Conference was incredible! Nothing can replicate physically meeting for education, improvement, and camaraderie—and we are extremely grateful to the hundreds who spent time and means to join us at Harrah’s Resort Atlantic City.
From the conference, and with a moment to reflect and appreciate, I’m reminded of the:
Many sponsors and exhibitors that enabled us to bring you the most advanced tools and technology available to the chiropractic industry, and provided us with the resources needed to ensure the conference itinerary was full and relevant to your professional needs.
Conference planning committee of active ANJC members who worked tirelessly to make this year’s 20th-anniversary conference the best yet. We couldn’t have made Friday and Saturday possible without you. Your continual contributions to the ANJC and its efforts are inspirational. In personal gratitude, thank you—Dr. Jeannine Baer (Committee Co-Chair/ANJC Board Member), Dr. Wayne Brown, Dr. William Charschan, Dr. Daniel Grossman (Committee Co-Chair/ANJC Board Member), Dr. Robert Labruzza, Dr. Victor Rossi (ANJC Board Vice President), Dr. Jeff Schlesinger, and Dr. Michael Spadafino.
Speakers who traveled from all parts of the country to be with us and share their expertise, insights, and genuine passion for chiropractic. Hearing from Dr. Terry Yochum’s personal experiences, triumphs, and tribulations while writing his Essentials of Skeletal Radiology was an experience I won’t soon forget—and will remain reinvigorated and energized from Senator Vincent Polistina’s committed resolve to bolster and protect our profession in the state of New Jersey.
We demonstrated that as we come together as unified and organized chiropractors, we have an opportunity to share our unique perspectives and expertise with one another to benefit our patients and communities.
I am grateful to the founders in our audience for their tireless efforts and commitment to this noble profession. I would like to extend appreciation to all our doctors who faced and conquered challenges known only to a few. And I am thankful for their dedicated staff, whose unwavering commitment ensures the prosperity and success of our profession.

With warm regards and high hopes for the year ahead,
Dr. Andreas Skounakis
ANJC Board President

Thank you, 2024 conference sponsors!