b'CODINGBy Dr. Jordan Kovacs TM LEGALANJC PresidentHello ANJC Members,I dont have to tell you how much Covid-19 is dominating the news, our practices andANJC Newsour lives. The only thing Ill add is that the ANJC is working overtime to get the answers ANJC Leadership ANJC News!you seek as quickly and accurately as possible. Whats Inside:A big hurdle to that is the fact that there were/are certain legislative hurdles that needed to be proposed and passed on both state and national levels, all of which takes timePresidents LetterPage 3and then oftentimes, details need to be worked out after the fact.Amid the emergency bills on the agenda for March 19th was a last minute addition fromANJC LeadershipPage 4Senate President Sweeney entitled S-2273, which calls for significant reshaping of the School Employee Health Benefit Program. It is a very detailed bill covering many facetsOur New Members Page 5of plan design and premium contributions from employees. Below is an outline of what will likely affect our members specifically:The bill eliminates all plans except NJDirect10, NJDirect15 and the new NJ EducatorsExecutive DirectorsUpdatePage 5Health Plan (NJ EHP) in 2020 and adds another new plan, the Garden State Health Plan in 2021. The NJ EHP plan will set OON benefits at 200% of CMS except for chiropractic/PT/Featured Articles:acupuncture which will be set at the out of network rates under the SHBP which are $35 for chiropractic, $60 for acupuncture and $52 for PT Page 7LEGALGarden State plan will be same as NJ EHP but only allow NJ providers to be covered.Legislative UpdateC Executive Directors Updateurrent active employees will be able to stay on NJDirect 10 or 15 but will pay the current rates towards premiums which are a percentage of the premium cost underLegal Ease Page 8 Chapter 78 rules. Those choosing other plan will pay a percentage of their salary which will be significantly lower cost to them. There are charts showing these rates inLegal Q&APage 9the bill.No new employees hired after July 1, 2020 will be able to choose the NJDirect 10 or Coding UpdatePage 1015, only the new plans.INSURANCE Update INSURANCE Update ANJC News!Page 12 Early retirees (non-Medicare eligible) will have to take the NJ EHP. It is not clear what choices Medicare retirees will haveCurrently they can either take the Medicare Advantage plans available or they can keep traditional Medicare andInsurance UpdatePage 14 choose a secondary plan from Horizons NJDirect1525, NJDirect2030 or several HMO options. No info on this apparent in the bill. Medicare Q&APage 15While the bill initially claims the NJDirect10 and NJDirect15 plans will remain an optionfor current employees at the higher contributions, it later states that the same SHBPRehab CouncilPage 16 caps (mentioned above) will be placed on these plans on April 1, 2020, or as soon thereafter as reasonably practicable. MedicareQ&AMedicare UpdateNutrition Council Page 18This appears to apply to all districts even those not participating with the SEHBP. Current plans that are part of local collective bargaining negotiations will be allowedChiro AssistPage 20 to remain but no new ones will be allowed. It is unclear at this time if the current plans will be allowed to renew and be grandfathered in or not.Technique CouncilPage 22All these rules are in place and only these plans will be allowed until June of 2027. The bill still has to pass the Assembly, which gives us some time to oppose it. PleaseLegalPage 24use and share this link (https://mobilize4change.org/Puyiq5c) to easily send an email to your representatives in the Assembly. So far, weve sent over 6000 emails. Just like otherSports UpdatePage 28campaigns in the past, we need to let our representatives know how this will negatively impact chiropractic patients throughout the state. Please take action on this today! Our SponsorsPage 30 Dr. Jordan Kovacswww.njchiropractors.com I 3'